Date Taxes Become Due Taxes become due and payable to the Collector on November 1st with a discount of 4% if paid in November, 3% in December, 2% in January and 1% in February. Taxes become delinquent April 1st. Taxes are levied on a calendar-year basis, being paid in arrears for the period January 1st - December 31st.
For more information on Taxes, please visit the web site of the HIGHLANDS COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR.
Section 195.052, Florida Statutes, as amended by the 2008 Florida Legislature (Chapter 2008-197, Laws of Florida) requires that the Department of Revenue and all county property appraisers publish certain county and municipal property tax information on their web sites.
Current 2023
This law requires the Department of Revenue to publish on its web sites certain non-voted property tax information for county and municipal governments. Within each county, the tables below present the following information for each non voted levy by the county and municipal governments:
Table 1: Comparison of Taxes Levied – County and Municipal Governments
* Rolled-Back Rate refers to the tax levies based on last year's budget and current assessments.
Table 2: Distribution of Taxes Levied by Property Type - County and Municipal Governments
Table 2 presents the proportion of property taxes paid for each county and municipal nonvoted levy by each of the following property types:
Methodology - provides technical information on the source and calculation methodology of the data presented in the tables.